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Robot Companions

  • 1996
  • Save $ 4.99

Inside Robot Companions you'll find all the details, plans, and information you need to make a robot partner part of your daily life, at a price you can afford. Author E. Oliver Severin, originator of some of the technologies that makes robots friendly, useful, and educational, shows you how to find or build your own robot helpmate-either from commercial kits or by assembling separate, off-the-shelf parts.With Robot Companions, you'll learn how to build your own robot for purposes such as companionship, supervision of the elderly, tutoring the young, doing household chores, and much more. The book delves into essential enabling technologies such as mobility, voice, communications, touch, sight, and smell response so you'll understand the mechanics behind form, function, and "personality."If you're looking for an industrious mechanical someone to help with the housework, care for the kids, even watch over aging parents without complaint, Robot Companions belongs on your shelf!
Brand: Tab Books
Brand Part Number: 0071422129
Our Part Number: h2426

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